Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Pilgrimage 2023 is on the road

Hello, everyone. 

Saturday we boarded a plane at 11 and on Sunday we arrived in Madrid. Then we took a bus to Atocha Station, bought tickets on the high speed train, and rode to Seville.  A little wandering around in the Old Town area and we found the pension with our reserved room.

It was a long day-that-lasted-26 or so hours. This is the price one pays for flying east: one loses clock hours. On the return trip, the same (approximately) length of flight will both take off and land on the same calendar day. (The lost hours will be returned. ) 

We visited the Cathedral of Seville--beautiful and edifying--and climbed the ancient tower called the Giralda. Then we walked over to the church of the Divine Savior, Iglesia del Salvador Divino, and that was also beautiful and edifying. 

View of the river
View of the round stained glass window from outside. Notice the elaborate decorations around the window!

One does need to be aware of kneelers sticking out from the back pew in a set. It can be painful if one trips over a kneeler that sticks out at the back of a block of pews. (Don't ask me how I know this!)

We also walked a proposed route from our sleeping place toward the bridge for our departure. This turned out not to be a good plan; it adds a lot of extra distance to walk the ring road around the old town to reach the bridge across the river. We changed our minds about the route after this walk. We're going to walk to the Cathedral, then go to the river, then follow the Paseo de Cristobal Colon along the river toward the bus station at Plaza de Armas and cross at the recommended bridge--which has shaded pedestrian paths alongside the traffic lanes.

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