Saturday, May 27, 2023

Monasterio, and a little more about yesterday

Hello, everyone. 
Yesterday it was impossible to post from my phone as the wifi at our sleeping place was not working. 
We walked up to the restored medieval castle, viewed the town of El Real de la Jara, washed a lot of clothes by hand at the patio of our sleeping place, ate and went to bed.

Today we headed out at 0715 en route to Monasterio.
The famous pigs of the Dehesa, running to (maybe) their breakfast. There must have been more than 50 of them.
Complejo Leo, Spain's answer to Buc-cees! Excellent coffee, 2 restroom areas in the self-serve cafeteria, also anything a Spanish person might want for breakfast. Y'all should have seen all of the buses pulling in. There is also a 3 star hotel and a more formal restaurant. 
It rained off and on from when we left there until we reached Monasterio. We're staying in the municipal albergue Las Moreras tonight.

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