Friday, May 26, 2023

El Real de la Jara: 4th day's walking

Hello, everyone.
Today we left the very comfortable Casa Concha at 8 in the morning. Other pilgrims staying in Almaden de la Plata were planning to walk (run?) straight through to Monasterio today. I wish for them an enjoyable 35 kilometers of walking. (They seem to be doing this more for the athletic element than for the cultural, spiritual, or religious elements.) 
We walked the very beautiful 14 kilometers into El Real de la Jara, where we found a nice hotel room and, at the outer edge of the town, found a very pretty bar with a friendly owner. He clued us in to the after-siesta opening time around here: 1900 hours. (7 pm for those who don't use the 24 hour clock)
We have visited the medieval castle here and it was really neat. It has been restored so we were able to walk the circuit of the walls and read the explanatory signs.
Tomorrow we are planning to walk the 22 kilometers into Monasterio.
(Sorry for the lack of photos today, we couldn't make the wifi work and had forgotten to take photos with the Spain phone, which I am using to post today.)

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