Sunday, May 28, 2023

Fuente de Cantos

Hello, everyone.  
Today we took a wrong turn and walked about 5cextra kilometers. It happened when we crossed the line between Monasterio and Fuente de Cantos. There were large flocks of arrows, most pointing to the right along a road. There were also these spiffy granite cubes that had arrows and a graphic sculpture of the Arch of Caparra and their arrows pointed straight ahead into a pasture. Whoops.
In the end we found ourselves walking along a (newly asphalted) road for about 9 kilometers into Fuente de Cantos, our stop for the night. Strava tallied our walk as about 26 km, about 5 extra kilometers,  and we learned from locals that if we had followed the spray painted yellow arrows we would have had only the scheduled 21 km to do, and skipped that last hot stretch. 
Apparently the powers that be have been investing in marking a new, different walk that is said to stick more to the old Roman road, but adds mileage and also has some really long stages.
One of the granite cubes of the new version of the walk. It was explained to us that the new version is Via de la Plata, and the old version remains Camino de Santiago. 
Today, while we saw a lot of cattle and sheep--actually, cows and some calves and sheep--we didn't see pigs. We also left behind the beautiful Dehesa that reminds us so much of the Texas Hill Country.
Staying at a shared apartment in the beautiful Zaguan de la Plata in downtown Fuente de Cantos. 

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