Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Memories of getting out of the house

Hello, everyone.

As we're still mostly cooped up in the house...well, except for looking for supplies to fix things...and sitting in the palapa for gin and tonics in the afternoon. Hey, that's in our own yard! It doesn't count as getting out!

One consolation is to look back at recent visits to parks and such in the area. A few weeks ago, we met up with DS and DGD and DGS to stroll at the McAllen Nature Center. This is a smaller garden spot with some trails. In fact, they have more trails now than they used to have! The city is also now asking for a donation from visitors. But they're working with the place so it's worth giving them something.

They have a somewhat old-style purple martin condo on the property. They aren't really squashes as they try to pretend to be, but they're cute. We were there before the martins were back from their winter abroad, so I can't tell y'all whether the "customers" appreciate the lodging. Probably they do!

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