Thursday, August 15, 2024

A surprise in the art museum

Hello, everyone.  While we were visiting Alaska, we happened to stroll into the Anchorage Museum. This turned out to be a combination of art and ethnographic in nature. There was a sadly didactic multi-media piece on the theme of recycling (?) that was wall-sized.
The phone turned this on its side but I don't think it is any worse for it. 
The curled up can lids work as a unifying element, along with the blues. It's really more of an advocacy poster than a work of art, what with all of the random slogans scattered around on it. 
They did have some more interesting exhibits of various items that were used by the various native groups living there in the past. 
This sewing bag has caribou embroidery decorations.  I imagine that these days the skill of this kind of embroidery has been lost. 

And, the surprise: 
A blast from the 1970's! A crocheted tote bag made from plastic bags. You never know what will be put on display at an art museum. 

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