Friday, June 21, 2024

Garden update: TS Alberto brought us rain

Hello, everyone. We have gotten much-needed rain in our area. 
The sweet potatoes are really taking off with the heat of summer and the clean, natural water of the last couple of days.
One of our newest plants, this is Dichondra "silver falls" which was struggling with every other day hose watering and has really perked up with the rain. This dichondra is native to Texas and I'm hoping it will spread throughout the bed, along with the "Curry plant" and its cousin the "white licorice " which is a scented, silver-foliaged low plant. They are all together with a big Italian Oregano, a Mystic Spires hybrid Salvia (one of its parents is the native Salvia farinacea) and a Greek Oregano, a French Thyme, and a lemon grass clump. The Salvia is still blooming and has made long branches to expand its area in the herb bed.

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