Monday, December 6, 2021

Recap of Salvador part 3

 Hello, everyone.

This is about the third day of our Salvador pilgrimge. We woke up in El Embrujo and had a bite of toast and a hot drink before departing. Then it was across the valley and up, up. 

The path approaching the Cruz del Salvador.

View of the cross, against a beautiful blue sky.

After that earlier photo, one might be excused for thinking this is a pic of the path. It isn't. It's just a pretty village in the distance, and some cows close up. The path passed them and at least on this day we didn't have to pick our steps between the cattle. 

The fall crocuses were blooming up a storm. Sometimes it was hard to step around them! 

It was mentioned earlier that there is crossing of wire gates. This is the gate behind Puerto de Pajares...we walked around the building with the bar (after our little break with coffee and restroom) and crossed the open bit (the crocuses above are a crop of that), passed the electric tower, and then encountered a mojon (cement marker) and the wire gate in the fence. We did remember to close the gate. On the other side of the gate, the path was unclear at first, though it was obvious where we needed to end up: at the bottom of this short descent in grasses with some damp mud. We found the most workable descent to the level of the road (very little traffic), stepped over the water channel and crossed the highway to enter the nature reserve. We still had a number of kilometers to cover, with mostly downs and some ups, before arriving at Sta. Martina and climbing the steep little road with the sign for the albergue at Llanos de Someron. Which was actually on the next mountain over, at the end of about 2 km. uphill we walked about .9 km. on a lovely woodland path. 

This was part of the nature reserve. There are peoples' farms in the midst of the reserve and the path pretty much sticks to some caliche roads that wind through it. 

The quoted distance for this day was about 18 km but they were tough kms. and it felt a lot more like mid to high 20's because of all the climbing.

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