Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A little sewing

Hello, everyone.

Last week, before the storm hit, there was a little bit of sewing accomplished.

DH had said he wants to have another mask. (This brings him to three.) I thought I'd make one for myself, too, and the piece cut from the cranes fabric turned out to be large enough for two. These are all a larger size than the pattern called for, the flowers at 9.5" wide and the others at 9.75", I think. I underlined all of them with some gray voile that has been lying around the sewing space for years. 

If travel to Spain ever opens up--the news media seem determined to panic-monger their way into no one ever being allowed to travel ever again!--I will get to decide which one or two masks gets to go with me. 

The plan is, use common sense and courtesy. This works out to carrying a mask and if the people in an area are wearing them, pull it out of the pocket and put it on. (That's the courtesy part.) There is also the abiding thought that perhaps this is not the year to really try to stay in the group bunk houses (albergues) and where there is a pensiĆ³n or similar, stay there instead. (That is the common-sense part.) I remember that the county west of ours, even before masks became a "thing" in our area, was very much into wearing them to contain germs during the current outbreak of "stuff." It is my thought that if a village or town is wearing the masks, even if there isn't a law requiring it, courtesy recommends the rule of St. Augustine: "when in Rome, I do as the Romans do."

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