Saturday, August 3, 2019

Remembering Sobrado dos Monxes

Hello, everyone.

In my post last year, when we got to Sobrado, there was only the one photo. It showed the carved dome in the old monastery church.

Nearing the town, the trail (peaceful road, actually) passes a lake full of waterlilies.

The old monastery, now occupied again by monks, was partly despoiled by the interim owners, who sold some of the dressed stone for construction. In addition to the old church and some dormitory space, much of the old cloister remains.

At one time there were sculptures visible here. If you go there, there are old paintings that the monks  are restoring.

An angel? They have been cleaning the accumulated dirt from the image.

The town also has more modern things. We stayed in a private albergue. It's a couple of blocks away from the monastery.

We did go to Vespers, though, with the monks. It was peaceful to sit silently and join our prayers and meditations with the readings. If you haven't been to Vespers before, you know it's coming to the end of the service when the monks all recite "Padre nuestro,...." The silent hours descend for the monks then, and the visiting pilgrims all leave without chattering or side wandering.

The people's flower gardens along the sidewalks were in bloom.

This pinwheel blossom is apparently an actual variety.  I had never seen them before. Since then, I have occasionally seen it mentioned on various gardening pages on the web.

Gazanias? So pretty.

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