The last little bead project was so encouraging, that I was eager to do another quick little thing.
Off the Beaded Path Video was in the long list of beady bookmarks and so I watched it. And then watched is slowly, with beads and needles in hand.
As the beads are dark, this time I used the Smoke colored 6 lb. Fireline instead of the Crystal color. (And no, that scissors in the picture is NOT the one I cut fireline with. I use my Rapala line cutters for Fireline.)
As you can see, this is a two-needle project. It calls for a bit more coordination than I really had on hand! It still came together pretty well. It only needs to have a chain or a ribbon or a strand of strung beads to hang from now.
Final size on the cross made of 4mm beads was maybe 2.5 inches. This isn't really something you perch in the hollow of your throat on a short ribbon, in other words.
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