Friday, January 30, 2015

Atun con tomate, yum!

Hello, everyone.

I was starting to make lunch today, opening a tuna can, and I found myself thinking back to the time we had Bocadillo con Atun y Tomate. It was a small bar/cafe in, ummm, I forget which tiny village. When I walked inside to get our lunch, the owner was playing "The Streets of Laredo"--he is a Johnny Cash fan! Who would have expected it? But I was there to get us lunch. And I'd had an unending string of bocadillos with jamon serrano y queso, all ordered by my sweetie who likes to eat the same thing a lot. So I got a wild hair and looked up at the sign board and said, "un bocadillo con atun y tomate, por favor."

That was a big portion of tuna with lots of fresh little tomato chops in it and I was delighted. My half of the bocadillo was a good big lunch.

So as I dumped the tuna into the bowl with the onion chops, I got to thinking that one of our garden tomatoes would be good with it.

Tuna with onions and tomatoes on lettuce
It was good, too. Even if today I didn't have a fresh loaf of baguette bread to put it in!

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