Monday, July 28, 2014

After the light day, a big one

Hello, everyone.

We left Logrono at our usual, crack-of-dawn time. Nothing was open, of course, but we followed our usual plan of finding cafe leche and a roll (or, better, a bocadillo) after walking for a little while.

Along the way we passed a ruin of an ancient pilgrim hospital (albergue) that was alongside the path.
When I saw the state of that one, I was really glad there was no chance we'd find ourselves sleeping there!
We kept moving all the way into Najera, which is divided in half by a river. The water is clear, there was green grass alongside, and families were enjoying their afternoon on the riverbank. We, on the other hand, were walking back and forth like lost sheep, trying to make sense of the directions in the Kelly guide in my Kindle, and finally we gave up and asked a lady walking a dog.
We were in luck. This lady, with the cute, little, purse-sized dog, was a member of the local Camino support club. She took us right over to the municipal albergue and enjoyed some cheerful teasing from the hospitaleros there.
I think I mentioned that the albergue de peregrinos in Najera sleeps 90. It also has a washer and a dryer, and a rental computer in the lobby. That evening, while I was on the computer, somebody with a guitar set up in the sitting area behind me and revved up a singalong. "Guantanamera" strikes again. But I was tired--my sweetie was already in bed--and as soon as I could I finished up on the computer and headed down the Goodnight Trail to my bunk.
We had walked 19 miles that day (about 30 km.) and had 595 km to go.

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