Monday, March 10, 2025

New project, and color play

Hello,  everyone.  I went to a class at a quilt shop down the highway a ways (RGV Quilt and Sew) and have gotten the face of the class project put together.  But, before putting parts together,  we all took turns working out a fabric palette, different for each student, and did practice layouts of our chosen prints. 
This was mine. Of the pieces here, two were already in my collection.  (The yellow and purple grunge fat quarters) The greens, the Kaffe Fassett fungus, and the brown speckles were pulled from the shop shelves. Likewise the peach-colored marbled print which will be the background. 
Here is the assembled face of the wall hanging:
Sadly, the Blogger app turns this photo on it's side. The parrot is having a little  nap, I guess.

 I have the fabric clipped onto the cabinets in my sewing room, using some photographer's clips, because that's what I have for a try-out wall. And the old chip clips just didn't grip the melamine doors like these ones do.
I do like the way the cabinet doors hold up the pieced fabric. As long as the quilt is not bigger than a short twin-sized, this system works fine.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Happy Cactus

Hello, everyone.  One of the potted cacti is blooming. I usually keep it on an east windowsill but the flowers are too pretty not to enjoy in the kitchen. 
When the blooms fade, it will go back to the window sill where it is a happy plant.

The Christmas cactus is a shade plant, so I can't plant it outside. The bright sun would kill it.